miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012

Dear Oskar:

We at TRIATLON GALAPAGOS CIA. LTDA. are pleased to invite you to be part of GALAPAGOS CHALLENGE Race, to be held on October 12 and 13, 2012.  The CHALLENGE consists of a Friday International Distance Triathlon and a Saturday CrossIsland Marathon, held in the Galapagos Islands, a unique and exotic scenario.

The International Distance Triathlon ("Triatlon Galapagos") has been held the previous four years with great success and with triathletes from continental Ecuador and foreign countries.  The CHALLENGE aims at providing athletes with an opportunity to visit one of the wonders of the World, as well as instilling a sense of conservation of biodiversity and environmental responsibility.

Your presence here in Galapagos, will be an inspiration and a honor.

We hereby extend our invitation to participate in the two-day CHALLENGE, including the International Distance Triathlon on Saturday as well as the Marathon on Sunday.  Athletes on Sunday can opt for the full marathon distance, a half-marathon, or a 10k race.  Or just only to be with us in those days.

Having one of the all-time greatest athletes participate in our event would definitely contribute to boost its sustained increase in popularity.  Our invitation includes air transportation from where you are to Ecuador (Galapagos Islands), lodging, food, and a tour around the Islands.

Please let us know if this invitation fits your interests and agenda, at the earliest of your convenience.

Thank you in advance.  Best regards.

You can follow us: @triatlongalapag
Website:             http://www.galapagoschallenge.com/

Ricardo Arenas
Tlfx: +593 5 2526186;       GSM[24hours]: +593 [0]9 9480859
P. Ayora, Santa Cruz Is. Galápagos – Ecuador.

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